Sunday, April 8, 2007

Muhammad Haque daily political commentary - diagnosing the degenerate Blaired Party and its media backers and co-fabricators

AADHIKARonline 0905 GMT Sunday 8 April 2007

Muhammad Haque daily political commentary - diagnosing the degenerate London Observer and its degenerate authors Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger

This is a 'review of the Blaired press' as it is identifiable by the London ‘Observer'. That title is not the paper that it was before it was taken over by the lying machine that is the Guardian under the evil influences of Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger.

But no review of the Blaired press can be done without a word on the state of the former Labour Party.

The lying media in Britain – as typified by the arch tabloid liar the Daily Mail, the Scum and the Daily Express - keep referring to 'the Labour Party' even when the Labour Party is no longer in being.

What there is is an empty shell, occupied by zombies and assorted mechanical and mindless entities constructed by the political and social invaders who took over whatever used to be the Labour Party in the middle part of the 1980s. That was mainly to do with Kinnock. Bereft of any social soul or democratic self respect, Kinnock opened up the former Labour Party to be taken over by those zombies. The zombies consolidated their position during the 10 years that followed. And they could not believe their luck when they managed to get hold of the inner mechanisms of the former Labour Party which they stripped of all signs and orientations of ideology, ethics and morality before they emerged in the shapes and forms of the evil occupiers in all installations of the public sector and public life in the UK. The degeneration of society that that represented went on to make things worse, to the point where it has reached today, Sunday 8 April 2007 when even one of the most assiduous Blairing weapons of mass lying and of the degenerating programmes geared towards making society regress to the Dark Age, the ‘Observer’ has to confess on its front page that the past 10 years of Blair has made Britain and the world a worse place! It would have been amazing in another era but it is no longer so today. The ‘Observer’ which was itself shorn of all its good parts when it came under the evil influences of the poison spreading liar Peter Preston of the premier lying machine of ‘Fleet Street’, the Guardian, was openly, aggressively, unashamedly racistly FOR the attack on Iraq. So adamant and so confident and so grossly immorally crazy was the Guardianised Observer for the genocidal onslaught on the people of Iraq that on the day of the biggest [numerical] appearance in Hyde Park on Saturday 15 February 2003 of ordinary people calling for an end to the then imminent preparations for the onslaught the OBSERVER openly distributed several hundred thousand leaflets in the Hyde Park itself and on the streets nearby BACKING the murderous attack on the people of Iraq! To hear that the ‘British press professionals’ have over the following years AWARDED the same genocidal butchers at the London OBSERVER several tokens of peer recognitions for ‘excellent journalism’ is to know that the AGE of Darkness has truly arrived in the Blaired state of Britain. That whatever all those pioneering ‘British investigative journalists’ fought for over the years with significant OCCASIONAL support from the publishers of the OLDER Observer, had been squandered and vanished under the weight of evil brought to bear by the combined greed and racism of Peter Preston, Alan Rusbridger and their assorted, often ‘Hillary Clinton-apes, Hillary Clinton worshipping’ racist liars and fabricators who had taken hold of the process that set the agenda for the OBSERVER. [To be continued]

Muhammad Haque daily political commentary - diagnosing the degenerate London Observer and its degenerate authors Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger

AADHIKARonline 0850 GMT Sunday 8 April 2007

Muhammad Haque daily political commentary - diagnosing the degenerate London Observer and its degenerate authors Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger

This is a 'review of the Blaired press' as it is identifiable by the London @Observer'. That title is not the paper that it was before it was taken over by the lying machine that is the Guardian under the evil influences of Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger.

But no review of the Blaired press can be done without a word on the state of the former Labour Party.

The lying media in Britain – as typified by the arch tabloid liar the Daily Mail, the Scum and the Daily Express - keep referring to 'the Labour Party' even when the Labour Party is no longer in being.

What there is is an empty shell, occupied by zombies and assorted mechanical and mindless entities constructed by the political and social invaders who took over whatever used to be the Labour Party in the middle part of the 1980s. That was mainly to do with Kinnock. Bereft of any social soul or democratic self respect, Kinnock opened up the former Labour Party to be taken over by those zombies. The zombies consolidated their position during the 10 years that followed. And they could not believe their luck when they managed to get hold of the inner mechanisms of the former Labour Party which they stripped of all signs and orientations of ideology, ethics and morality before they emerged in the shapes and forms of the evil occupiers in all installations of the public sector and public life in the UK. The degeneration of society that that represented went on to make things worse, to the point where it has reached today, Sunday 8 April 2007 when even one of the most assiduous Blairing weapons of mass lying and of the degenerating programmes geared towards making society regress to the Dark Age, the ‘Observer’ has to confess on its front page that the past 10 years of Blair has made Britain and the world a worse place! It would have been amazing in another era but it is no longer so today. The ‘Observer’ which was itself shorn of all its good parts when it came under the evil influences of the poison spreading liar Peter Preston of the premier lying machine of ‘Fleet Street’, the Guardian, was openly, aggressively, unashamedly racistly FOR the attack on Iraq. So adamant and so confident and so grossly immorally crazy was the Guardianised Observer for the genocidal onslaught on the people of Iraq that on the day of the biggest [numerical] appearance in Hyde Park on Saturday 15 February 2003 of ordinary people calling for an end to the then imminent preparations for the onslaught the OBSERVER openly distributed several hundred thousand leaflets in the Hyde Park itself and on the streets nearby BACKING the murderous attack on the people of Iraq! To hear that the ‘British press professionals’ have over the following years AWARDED the same genocidal butchers at the London OBSERVER several tokens of peer recognitions for ‘excellent journalism’ is to know that the AGE of Darkness has truly arrived in the Blaired state of Britain. That whatever all those pioneering ‘British investigative journalists’ fought for over the years with significant OCCASIONAL support from the publishers of the OLDER Observer, had been squandered and vanished under the weight of evil brought to bear by the combined greed and racism of Peter Preston, Alan Rusbridger and their assorted, often ‘Hillary Clinton-apes, Hillary Clinton worshipping’ racist liars and fabricators who had taken hold of the process that set the agenda for the OBSERVER. [To be continued]

Muhammad Haque daily political commentary - diagnosing the degenerate London Observer and its degenerate authors Peter Preston and Alan Rusbridger

What there is is an empty shell, occupied by zombies and assorted mechanical and mindless entities constructed by the political and social invaders who took over whatever used to be the Labour Party in the middle part of the 1980s. That was mainly to do with Kinnock. Bereft of any social soul or democratic self respect, Kinnock opened up the former Labour Party to be taken over by those zombies. The zombies consolidated their position during the 10 years that followed. And they could not believe their luck when they managed to get hold of the inner mechanisms of the former Labour Party which they stripped of all signs and orientations of ideology, ethics and morality before they emerged in the shapes and forms of the evil occupiers in all installations of the public sector and public life in the UK. The degeneration of society that that represented went on to make things worse, to the point where it has reached today, Sunday 8 April 2007 when even one of the most assiduous Blairing weapons of mass lying and of the degenerating programmes geared towards making society regress to the Dark Age, the ‘Observer’ has to confess on its front page that the past 10 years of Blair has made Britain and the world a worse place! It would have been amazing in another era but it is no longer so today. The ‘Observer’ which was itself shorn of all its good parts when it came under the evil influences of the poison spreading liar Peter Preston of the premier lying machine of ‘Fleet Street’, the Guardian, was openly, aggressively, unashamedly racistly FOR the attack on Iraq. So adamant and so confident and so grossly immorally crazy was the Guardianised Observer for the genocidal onslaught on the people of Iraq that on the day of the biggest [numerical] appearance in Hyde Park on Saturday 15 February 2003 of ordinary people calling for an end to the then imminent preparations for the onslaught the OBSERVER openly distributed several hundred thousand leaflets in the Hyde Park istle and on the streets nearby BACKING the murderous attack on the people of Iraq! To hear that the ‘British press professionals’ have over the following years AWARDED the same genocidal butchers at the London OBSERVER several tokens of peer recognitions for ‘excellent journalism’ is to know that the AGE of Darkness has truly arrived in the Blaired state of Britain. That whatever all those pioneering ‘British investigative journalists’ fought for over the years with significant OCCASIONAL support from the publishers of the OLDER Observer, had been squandered and vanished under the weight of evil brought to bear by the combined greed and racism of Peter Preston, Alan Rusbridger and their assorted, often ‘Hillary Clinton-apes, Hillary Clinton worshipping’ racist liars and fabricators who had taken hold of the process that set the agenda for the OBSERVER. [To be continued]